My Fantasy Football Romance series will be part of the launch of a new exciting way to tell stories!
Want to learn more? Check out the video below. (look for my cover, Huddle Up)
To help raise money I'm offering for a $100.00 contribution: FAN REWARD: CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU & 1 YEAR
SUBSCRIPTION to Liz Matis’ story world: Liz Matis’ story world meshes sports
with sexy romance. Get a one year subscription to her story world, a digital
Funding Contributor badge, 50 diamonds in your currency account, and finally
have a character in her upcoming segment named after you.
Estimated delivery: August 2014
Add your contribution or to find other exciting new ways to contribute go to:
So join me in supporting the future of storytelling! Friday, January 17th marks the launch of Transmedia Story Stream's 30-day IndieGoGo campaign. The goal is $15,000.
Transmedia Story Stream, the Zynga of ebooks, is a revolutionary platform which blends Facebook video game mechanics with ebooks to allow authors to build, distribute and engage fans in multi-media story worlds. Instead of downloading a static, dead ePub, readers can log onto story worlds that are alive with fans and friendship and earn rewards while reading. Don’t just read a book—play it!