My last post included a picture of Josh Holloway who is the inspiration for the hero of my current work-in-progress Love By Design.
So in honor of the Super Bowl I thought I'd post a picture of Kevin Nash, the inspiration for the hero of Playing For Keeps. Though Nash is a wrestler by trade, my hero Ryan Terell is a football player.
Here is a snippet from Playing For Keeps...
After wiping away the steam on the mirror with a sweep of his hand, he took a long hard look at himself. He rubbed his fingers across the stubble on his chin. God, he needed a shave. Or maybe he needed a new face. Man, I’m getting old. Where was the young rookie that used to gaze back at him? Not that he’d trade places with him. That kid didn’t know shit.
I don't know this guy...but yeah, another good character inspiration, I'd say! Love the excerpt, too ;)