Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why do writers write? Because it isn't there. - Thomas Berger

Being a former student of philosophy I love this quote from Berger who must have been familar with Descartes "I think, therefore I am."

I am now a member of RWA-PRO. How do you become a member? Well, first you have to be a member of Romance Writers of America then you have completed and submitted a manuscript. It probably was designed to make us un-published (oh I'm sorry the politcally correct say 'pre-published) writers feel all warm and fuzzy.

I could have joined long ago but despite the quarterly newsletter and career series booklets I saw no need. However with my upcoming attentance to the RWA National Conference in D.C. I will be able to go to the PRO Retreat, which is 4 hours of business-of-writing information and more importantly after RITA and Golden Heart finalists, PRO members are able to sign up for editor and agent appointments.

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