Sunday, May 31, 2009
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Deer Updated: When I got home from the museum the baby deer was still right outside my door giving me a sad face. I called the SPCA, who gave me the DEC #. The trooper on duty said is normal for the mother to leave their babies 24 to 48 hours and I should just check on the deer every so ofter, which of course goes without saying...I was a nervous nellie about it all. Well at around 8:00 last night the mom came back and I found her nursing on my side lawn. Hooray, for nature!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A little girl, when asked where home is, replied 'Where my mommy is.' (submitted by Tracy Thornton)

I come out my door to this little surprise. But where is the mother??? I took some pictures and made some soothing noises. Then, I went shopping hoping the mother would return, but when I got back this cutie pie was still there. I called the SPCA but they don't open until 12:00 and I leave at 11:30 for my volunteer gig up at the Bethel-Woods Musuem. Sigh. I hope the mother returns - otherwise there will be some serious crying going on here.
So the only thing left to do is leave you with a scene from Bambi....
Bambi: Mother? Mother? [searches frantically for his mother. All the sudden he stops, because he is startled by what he sees. It is The Great Prince of the Forest]
Great Prince of the Forest: Your mother can't be with you anymore.
Bambi: [closes his eyes and bow's his head as a single tear comes out of his eye]
Great Prince of the Forest: Come, my son.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams - the Dilbert Principle
So I'm trying to resurrect Love By Design and start my proposal for my super secret project that I want to pitch at the RWA Conference in July. It's very different than what I've written - it's sort of like Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. Right now I'm doing research and have an idea for the first third of the book, but what comes after??? - though the end is starting to come together.
And I'm still waiting to hear about Playing For Keeps. I don't know if this is what is holding me back as I haven't written a thing in over two months. What a really need is a kick in the virtual pants. Have at me!
And I'm still waiting to hear about Playing For Keeps. I don't know if this is what is holding me back as I haven't written a thing in over two months. What a really need is a kick in the virtual pants. Have at me!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Remembering...Honoring - Memorial Day
The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots. ~Randy Vader
Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of a free and undivided Republic. ~John A. Logan
Today, in between the bar-q's and the shopping take a moment to remember those who gave their lives for America.
I'll be volunteering up at the Bethel-Woods Musuem between 9:30 to 12 today. I'm wondering what the day will bring as the first section of the musuem is dedicated to the sixties as a whole, which includes, of course, the Vietnam War. Hope I don't get emotional. Hope, others don't either because then I'm a goner.
I leave you with one more quote...
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! ~Maya Angelou
Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of a free and undivided Republic. ~John A. Logan
Today, in between the bar-q's and the shopping take a moment to remember those who gave their lives for America.
I'll be volunteering up at the Bethel-Woods Musuem between 9:30 to 12 today. I'm wondering what the day will bring as the first section of the musuem is dedicated to the sixties as a whole, which includes, of course, the Vietnam War. Hope I don't get emotional. Hope, others don't either because then I'm a goner.
I leave you with one more quote...
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! ~Maya Angelou
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Nurture your mind with great thoughts to believe in the heroic makes heroes - Disraeli
I made myself a superhero at I'm not a fan of my superhero name but love the picture. Click on the link and try it!
Friday, May 15, 2009
"Being a red-blooded human obviously has its disadvantages." Spock to McCoy

I've been a life-long Trekkie. The new movie has me pulling out my Klingon Dictionary, which I got from all places QVC, my Tribble, and my Quotable Star Trek and Vulcan teddy bear, which I got from the Las Vegas Hiltons Star Trek Experience. Star Trek isn't just science fiction, it was and is a moral compass. I think that everything I needed to know about life, I learned from Star Trek.
But even if you are not a Star Trek fan (perish the thought!) I will leave you a VERY important phrase you should know in case you end up on a Klingnon ship.
nuqDaq yuch Dapol ( pronunciation NOOK-dak yooch da-POL )
Where do you keep the chocolate? - see I told you it was important
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Humor is just another defense against the universe - Mel Brooks
I love Facebook. And no, I'm not one of those annoying people who update constantly or tell you when I'm going to bed. I do like the applications though, but again I don't particpate in all of them - just the ones that amuse me. Here are few I've done since March.
My Presidential Call Sign: EVERGREEN.
What kind of liquor are you?: JACK DANIELS
What race would you be in Middle Earth?: ELVES
Which movie action hero are you? BATMAN
What Star Trek character are you? SPOCK
Which Lost character are you? KATE
Which kind of writer are you? WILLIAM BLAKE
My Sawyer nickname? SUNSHINE
What color is my aura? ORANGE
Which Peanuts character are you? WOODSTOCK
Who was I in a past like? Pablo Picasso.
I also like doing pick your favorite 5's. Such as you favorite 5 cars, cereals, books, ect. I'll share some in an upcoming post. Are you on Facebook? If so, invite me to be your friend. If not - then why not?
My Presidential Call Sign: EVERGREEN.
What kind of liquor are you?: JACK DANIELS
What race would you be in Middle Earth?: ELVES
Which movie action hero are you? BATMAN
What Star Trek character are you? SPOCK
Which Lost character are you? KATE
Which kind of writer are you? WILLIAM BLAKE
My Sawyer nickname? SUNSHINE
What color is my aura? ORANGE
Which Peanuts character are you? WOODSTOCK
Who was I in a past like? Pablo Picasso.
I also like doing pick your favorite 5's. Such as you favorite 5 cars, cereals, books, ect. I'll share some in an upcoming post. Are you on Facebook? If so, invite me to be your friend. If not - then why not?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
To truly love another you must follow the lover's path wherever it may take you...

from the jacket...The Lover's Path, a moving tale of forbidden love, is a feminist epic told in multiple layers. Through a novel combination of Filamena's narrative, famous allegorical love stories from history and mythology, sumptuously ornate illustrations, and "actual" letters to and from Filamena that must be opened to be read, Filomena's path is beautifully described and, finally, stunningly revealed.
Believe I paid full price for this one, but remember having a gift card so I didn't mind - it's like free money. It's a beautifully packaged book but the story itself was just so-so.
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