Thursday, September 29, 2016

Guarding the Quarterback is a finalist!

I'm happy to announce that Guarding the Quarterback is a finalist in the New Jersey RWA Golden Leaf Contest in the Best Novella category! The winners will be announced on Friday, October 14 at the NJRWA conference. Here is the excerpt that will be read if I win (fingers crossed)...

With another woman I would’ve shrugged off the rejection, but beneath her hand my heart pounded for her, my blood racing to my groin. She made a mistake. Now she was more than a challenge, she made herself forbidden fruit. I told myself that all this was. A lie. But it was my lie to live.  
     “But I have big reason why you should.” I hauled her up against my unmistakable hardness. The utter softness of her, melded to my body. To the world she wore armor of toughness and indifference but in my arms it all fell away.
     Alexa’s wicked smile signaled my victory. Then she whipped out her gun and pressed it against my cheek. “And I have a bigger reason why we shouldn’t.”

As a good luck charm I'll be wearing a book charm that an awesome reader made for me! (thanks Jackie) Below there is a picture of me wearing it...

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